Nuria Oliver

Invited lecturers

Director of Research in Data Science at Vodafone and Chief Data Scientist at Data-Pop Alliance

Director of Research in Data Science at Vodafone and Chief Data Scientist at Data-Pop Alliance Nuria Oliver is Director of Research in Data Science at Vodafone and Chief Data Scientist at Data-Pop Alliance. She has over 20 years of research experience in the areas of human behaviour modelling and prediction from data and human-computer interaction. She holds a PhD in perceptual intelligence from MIT. She worked as a researcher at Microsoft Research for over 7 years and as the first female Scientific Director at Telefonica R&D for over 8 years. At the end of 2016 she was named Chief Data Scientist at Data-Pop Alliance and in early 2017 she also joined Vodafone as the first Director of Research in Data Science.

Her work is well known with over 150 scientific publications that have received more than 11000 citations and a ten best paper award nominations and awards. She is co-inventor of 40 filed patents and she is a regular keynote speaker at international conferences.

Her work and professional trajectory has received several awards, including the MIT TR100 (today TR35) Young Innovator Award (2004), the Rising Talent award by the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society (2009) and the European Digital Woman of the Year award (2016). She became an ACM Distinguished Scientist in 2016, a Fellow of the European Association of Artificial Intelligence in 2016 and an IEEE Fellow in 2017.